Save Organs Save Life is an initiative launched by Dr K Bharath Kumar, the CEO of KBK Groups and the Chairman of KBK Hospital, to create awareness about the importance of organ preservation and saving lives. The campaign aims at providing people around the world with knowledge and assistance to preserve their organs and prevent unnecessary amputations. The team of Save Organs Save Life is continuously striving to educate people about the causes of non-healing wounds such as Gangrene, foot ulcers, and cellulitis, that often lead to the amputation of organs such as limbs. The campaign intends to help diabetic patients who are most prone to such non-healing wounds, as the increasing prevalence of diabetes often leads to vascular complications and nerve damage, making it difficult for the wounds to heal. Save Organs Save Life also provides easy access to cutting-edge treatments, modern facilities, and innovative technologies that would aid organ preservation techniques alongside medical guidance. Their focus is mainly on providing the best patient care possible with these facilities being accessible to people worldwide. The campaign leaders consist of Mr. Nikeelu Gunda, President of JCI SUPAR Hyderabad, and Laxmi Rao, CEO of HMTV, who support the cause of organ preservation and lead the campaign to educate and assist diabetic patients worldwide. Through JCI and HMTV, the Save Organs Save Life team hopes to reach thousands of people by creating awareness through educational conversations, talks, and seminars to make them understand the importance of organ retention and how it would change their lives.
At KBK Multi Speciality Hospital, the campaign leaders execute personalized treatments to help patients and prevent non-healing wounds from leading to organ amputation. With cutting-edge treatment plans using advanced technologies and modern techniques, they deliver quality patient care, which is a vital part of the Save Organs Save Life campaign. Their primary focus is to help amputees, and those who are threatened by organ amputation, to lead a healthy and productive life. The team of specialists at KBK Hospital also provides ongoing guidance to the patients, their families, and medical personnel throughout their journey toward non-amputation. The hospital operates on a multi-disciplinary approach that involves state-of-the-art medical facilities, advanced medical equipment, and the best practices in providing the highest possible care. The Save Organs Save Life initiative is reaching patients worldwide through their team of volunteers from different medical disciplines, partnering health organizations, and enthusiastic social activists who believe in the importance of the cause. They believe that with sustained efforts, awareness programs, and activities, they can build a supportive community that values and prioritizes saving organs and protecting lives. In conclusion, Save Organs Save Life is a significant initiative aimed at saving worthy lives, by making people understand the importance of organ retention and providing the best possible care for the ones in need. By educating people, providing medical guidance, and deploying advanced technologies, they are helping people around the world overcome the challenges of non-healing wounds and preventing organ amputations. Save Organs Save Life is an initiative that will make a significant impact in the medical field by leading the way in organ preservation and helping people lead healthy and productive lives once more.
The vision of the Save Organs Save Life campaign is to create a world where organ preservation is prioritized and individuals have access to the knowledge, resources, and support they need to prevent unnecessary amputations. We envision a society that understands the importance of organ retention, where non-healing wounds are effectively treated, and lives are saved through advanced medical care and innovative technologies
The vision of the Save Organs Save Life campaign is to create a world where organ preservation is prioritized and individuals have access to the knowledge, resources, and support they need to prevent unnecessary amputations. We envision a society that understands the importance of organ retention, where non-healing wounds are effectively treated, and lives are saved through advanced medical care and innovative technologies.